Sabtu, 06 September 2008

Im an ADDict,,

SOme week ago,, my phone was ringing,, suddenly friend of my junior high school called me, and he wanted to go to my hum,, ofcourse, I was suprised,, and he talked little about hs problem. the point of his talking was " HE wanna share his big problem". as a GOOD friend,, I allowed him,,

On Saturday at 11 am, I picked him at near my hum,, rather confusing,, I was looking arounf and searcing his face. Honestly, I have forgot him,, maybe I dunno,, kwkwkwk,, See,?? it has been a long time we didnt meet again,, about 1,2,3,4,5,, yeah 5 years,,
Fortunate break,! He knew me, and called me,,
Ough,, when I saw him,, he got much change,,
1. He is taller than me,,
2. He looks rather feminine (it make me suprised)
3. MOre handsome
4. appeares care in..

Oyah,, I wanna introduce him first,, he is my Junior high school friend, he is a collegian from 1 of government college,, oK ,, we can call him with "MAN",,

We arrived at my hum,, and not longer he asked me to allow him go to my bad room,, oK, becoz I though he wanna share a big problem,, we go there,,

During We were chating,, suddenly, he said "Honestly, IM AN ADDICT",,, "wHAt,??" My brain was thinking directly, that he had became a drunked or junky who uses drug, etc,, (Iyughh.!)

I asked him,, "when have u be an addict man,??"
he replayed "since I was senior high school",
" and how could be,?? where di you get drug,?? (disgust)
He said "No, no,, Im not an addict like u thinking,, Im an addict as a GAY,,!! I love man,, I like ML with my boyfriends,, I love them so much,,"
n with suprised face " what,?? boyfriends,??( gila bnyak bener,, kalah gue.)"
"yeah my boyfriends"
Ough,, My Ghost,,, Its so horrible,!
n he axplained to me "since I was senior high school have been a gay,, d first I didnt realize what happend to me,, I began loving my classmate, even he is like me,, he is a real comfort to me,, n I enjoy it and bla.. bla.. bla.."

See,?? he talked too much,, I dinno what I should to do,, advise,??, allow,?? or I eject him from my hum,,? n now, man has relationship with a man who always keep on, care, and love him,,

Afternoon,, we went to pelangi n bought some Jco dunnots, window shopping, looking around semanggi,, n d last but not d least,, he gave me some cloth,, hehehe,,(thx man,, berguna jj lo.!)

oya,, next 14th sept tommorrow,, I n my family wanna go to bandungmm Sepupu gue meritt,, (jiah,,banyak bgd bulan ini sodara gue yang nikah) d last my sist did it..

Gue kapaannnn iaaaaa,,???
By d way, any busway,,

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Hehehe, apes banget siy. But rata2 emang lebih gampang nemuin gay ya daripada ce vs ce, hehehehe. Trus lu nyaranin apaan ma dia? But you have to becarefull with him. Remember Ryan? Tapi yang pingin gw tanya emang kalo gay tuh ga pasti banci kan??
Nice blog, keep posting aja. But make sure, jangan terlalu padet banget isinya, biar orang ga bingung bacanya. Paling ga dikasih jarak antar paragrafnya, hehehe.
That's all aja deh. Thanks ya?
You can call me anonymous okey..?

Erlin mengatakan...

tq anonim,,
hahaha,, emang,, didunia sekarang kaya gitu,, padahal cewe lebih banyak yak daripada cowo,, tapi tetep aja ada cowo yang suka sama cowo,, hahaha jd tambah bingung gue,!
oya,, pas gue ngedapetin dia curhat,, kebetulan posisinya tuh dia baru aja diputusin pacarnya,, maunya sey gue bilang supaya dia tobat n insap,, tapi gue bilang ajah,, "masii banyak ikan dilaut,!! gue anterin hunting d" yasuw, kita keplangi kan,, trus hebatnya dia langsung dapet kenalan banyak loh,,! Gread,!

tapi sekarang kan bulan puasa neh,, gue terus berusaha buat nyadarin dia,, kaya ingetin dia buat sholat, bangunin dia sahur,, gitu,!!

anonim,, gay itu gag selalu banci,, tapi kebetulan temen gue ini dipihak cewenya,, tapi gag banci, cuma agag manja ajah dan lebih sensitif,,

yupZ,, I always keep aware dund,,
Thx buat masukannya,,,